Preparing Your Home For Sale

My goal is not simply to sell your house, but to help you realize the best price obtainable for your property. To achieve this goal, please review these easy ways to make a great first impression with Buyers. The length of time a property is on the market usually has the greatest impact on the quality of the Offer.

  • Be certain that your home is neat and that excess furniture is removed. Rooms will look larger and more inviting. Watch HGTV for tips.
  • Plan to be absent from your property when it is shown. Buyers will feel more relaxed and will feel free to ask questions.
  • If possible, have pets away from your home or at least restrained when the property is shown; eliminate pet odors.
  • The kitchen and bathrooms should be clean and fresh smelling; avoid spraying with heavy scents.
  • Check the yard and entries for neatness and paint the entries, if needed.
  • Have the windows washed and open draperies and shades—almost every Buyer loves light.
  • Replace dim light bulbs with bright ones; clean fixtures.
  • Make little repairs to sticky doors; loose door knobs and handrails; repair/replace damaged screens; etc.
  • Clean and/or remove rugs; refinish floors if needed/possible.
  • Repair appliances, kitchen and bathroom fixtures.
  • Neaten closets and don’t overload.
  • “De-clutter”—it will make your future move much easier!
  • Keep lawn and shrubberies trimmed or remove snow and ice from steps and walkways.
  • Paint with neutral colors.
  • Staging?
  • Finally, look at your home with a critical eye, as though you were the Buyer, and do whatever needs to be done to show your home to its best advantage. Remember, you have only 5 seconds to make a good first impression!

I have a great deal of experience assisting sellers to prepare their homes for sale, with my easy access to reasonably priced and efficient contractors for any needed repairs. When the work is completed and any “decluttering” is done, I’ll help you with the final touches before presenting your home to the marketplace. All of this will be accomplished in as stress-free a manner as possible for you.